Thursday, September 10, 2009


Gender discrimination is often supposed gender stereotyped a particular society. Men physically strong and woman as a weak. Caused this it used as a diffrence between men and woman. ‘Sex' is one biological difference individual categorised as men and woman, this difference is the same in all culture, while ‘gender' is one individual social diffrence categorised as ‘masculine'.

'Sex' and 'gender' was different originally but in role inside individual a particular society are predicated physical individual potential. Gender discrimination are originally a phenomenon, which individual role is determined.

Gender discrimination conflict arise when only physical side taken into account while mental part deserted. As a result such as some respected phenomenon, individual categorised as ‘strong' and ‘weak', ‘feelingly strong' and ‘with full susceptibility', ‘efficient' and inefficient', ‘leader and followers' etc Gender discrimination including social, culture, religion, geography, economy, society moral and education level.
All factor combination form gender discrimination.In customary womenfolk will be victimized to gender discrimination. 'Male cauvinism' such as a individual perception to one situation, where see self its and individual equally impressive gender as inferior.

This perception is regardless of any external factor, such as, family, society, faith, culture etc. ‘Male cauvinism' classified under social preparation, faith and cultural heritage. In society mostly, male individual are trained become dominant while woman has been obedient.

oUr aRts..

Gendang Melayu(Drum)

Gendang is one of Malay music instrument.It almost played by the Malay people.The gendang was played in theater music such as Malay gamelan.Most of this instrument can be found at gamelan groups.Gamelan word are came from Javanese word ‘gamel’ which meaning to strike or hammer.The real hammer are not use to strike the gendang but it mean a piece of rattan.It was called hammer for the gamelan.

It have two type of gendang.First is barrel drum.It look like the barrel.It have doubled head which covered with the animal skin such as the cow and goat skin.But the head are not same in size.We can played by using the ‘hammer’ or using our hand.

The second drum is frame drum.It only have one sided.It also make by the cow or the goat skin.They played by hit it by using the hand.It will produce high frequency sound when the side more tight.

The main function of gendang is as the entertainment.Long time ago the gendang was played in Gamelan,Silat and Dikir barat show.Over the year the uses of gendang in music theater become more important.The sound produce by the gendang make it unique to other.The gendang will be played with other instrument such as flute and many more traditional music instrument.When the instrument played together the peaceful and harmony sound will sounded.Sometimes it hypnotized us with the unique beat.

For me, Gendang is unique traditional music instrument.Many people accepted the traditional music must be keep in touch.This is because the traditional instrument and doing make us different between other.We as the responsible and thinker person must ensure our tradition still alive.So,we can tell other about our tradition.We must proud with our culture arts.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009



All of us will use some technique to communicate each other.It is important to us to give information or news to other people by to be the successful person we have to communicate each other.To make it more effective there are some technique.the effectiveness of communication is the success of personal interaction.we have to trained it to make it more effective.
There are many way to improved the communication skill such as adopt a positive communication style.Discover the underlying root of all communication breakdowns and the three main humour tendencies that create communication.....Next, understand the principles of interpersonal communication and develop a credible communication style that builds trust and cooperation.Learn ways to use positive communication even in negative situation

There is many type of communication.

Heresome tips for learn communication;

first,adopt a positive communication style. To adopt a positive communication are examine the impact of thinking on communication and learn to adopt the habit of mind that produce consistently effective communication. then, explore the 4 different communication styles people use and learn how to communication effectively with each of them.moreover,develop a credible communication style that builds trust and cooperation.And then learn ways to use positive communication even in negative situation.

second, speak to evoke action. to speak evoke action are describe the behavior not the person.furthermore, use 'I' statements to defuse tension.then, envision the future and turn into a conversation. and then, use the power language to convey authority and evoke action. then, ask,don't tell, turning statement questions to involve and inspire.

lastly, listen for understand. to listen for understand are how to listen, not just to hear. next is bridging the barriers of perception and prejudgement. also creating involvement to enhance understanding. to listen for understand is completing the communication cycle: effective feedback.