Wednesday, October 21, 2009


violent program have to stop at all station television because violent program will damage thinking children this because children easy to according what their see. this is wrosed children state have just incresed up and beginners.

violent program more influene children to terrorism.children to be violence when their growth and can made something outside those expection. Children now become increasingly aggresive because are they had been watching the program which contain violence and extreme doing.for the example the wwf(wrestling show and other extreme show.

other than that, television also can make the children become lazy to study.most of their time fullfill by watching television.because of that most of children will be slow in study.from that we can know that by watching television the there will give negative feedback to the children mostly.

furthermore,television also can cause many eye disease.when the children alway watching television their vision become low.this is because the lighting produce by the television will iriate the will give big effect to the children mostly because their eyes still news with that kind of light.

as the conclusion,children are not allowed to watching the violent program.this is because to prevent them from become more the parent must take precaution of this!

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