violent program have to stop at all station television because violent program will damage thinking children this because children easy to according what their see. this is wrosed children state have just incresed up and beginners.
violent program more influene children to terrorism.children to be violence when their growth and can made something outside those expection. Children now become increasingly aggresive because are they had been watching the program which contain violence and extreme doing.for the example the wwf(wrestling show and other extreme show.
other than that, television also can make the children become lazy to study.most of their time fullfill by watching television.because of that most of children will be slow in study.from that we can know that by watching television the there will give negative feedback to the children mostly.
furthermore,television also can cause many eye disease.when the children alway watching television their vision become low.this is because the lighting produce by the television will iriate the will give big effect to the children mostly because their eyes still news with that kind of light.
as the conclusion,children are not allowed to watching the violent program.this is because to prevent them from become more the parent must take precaution of this!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009

What does it take to become a world-class speaker?here i have some tips to speaking success.First,self confident is very important,although you speaking something that’s not true,the people around you will believe it because of you looks confident.
Second,you must have general knowledge and alert with current issue because it would attract audience attention to more hear and appreciate what message that you want to deliver moreover on those having high educational background because they probably more wise on issues that’s you delivered.

Third,be prepared. the first reason why people get nervous is that they don’t feel prepared It is important to practice your speech over and over and over in the mirror and on tape so you can feel comfortable that your message will be strong. Fear is minimized by visiting the location of your speech in advance, meeting some of the people in advance if possible and dress for success.If all else fails, use deep breathing exercises before you go on stage to remain calm.
Forth,your talks contents is very important part.Many people think,in order to be a greater speaker,someone must be wise to make a joke.Not denying,make joke also important,but it not necessary.What important things is content,you must get the attention from the audience with the content without your joke.If you might include the comedy element,entertainment,story,fact,maybe it give profounder effect.
As the conclusion,to become a world-class speaker,you must practice the technique that was given above because it not only make your speech more effective. But it can make you confident with what you try to deliver.

What does it take to become a world-class speaker?here i have some tips to speaking success.First,self confident is very important,although you speaking something that’s not true,the people around you will believe it because of you looks confident.
Second,you must have general knowledge and alert with current issue because it would attract audience attention to more hear and appreciate what message that you want to deliver moreover on those having high educational background because they probably more wise on issues that’s you delivered.

Third,be prepared. the first reason why people get nervous is that they don’t feel prepared It is important to practice your speech over and over and over in the mirror and on tape so you can feel comfortable that your message will be strong. Fear is minimized by visiting the location of your speech in advance, meeting some of the people in advance if possible and dress for success.If all else fails, use deep breathing exercises before you go on stage to remain calm.
Forth,your talks contents is very important part.Many people think,in order to be a greater speaker,someone must be wise to make a joke.Not denying,make joke also important,but it not necessary.What important things is content,you must get the attention from the audience with the content without your joke.If you might include the comedy element,entertainment,story,fact,maybe it give profounder effect.
As the conclusion,to become a world-class speaker,you must practice the technique that was given above because it not only make your speech more effective. But it can make you confident with what you try to deliver.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
megacities...good or bad?
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what means by megacities?
megacities is a metropolitan areas with a total population of more tahn 10 million people by the United Nations.The other definitions for the minimum level for population density in megacities is at least 2000 person/square km.It also can be a single or two city combined to form a big city( we have tokyo,dhaka,karachi,shanghai,mumbai and lagos as the megacities....
the bad thing about the megacities...
first is the traffic problem we know most of the city will experience the traffic jam..traffic jam almost cause by the bad habit of road user..the always think about themselve only..for the example the road user use the left side of the road to cross other car..they using the emergency side..emergency side can be used by the people which are facing any problem with their car or transport..
and the second is the people live in the shanty you know what is shanty town?shanty town is a place which is situated at the offside of the city..the shanty town do not have property sanitation,electricity or telephone also looked untidy because they make their home anywhere..for the example of the shanty town is at mumbai,india...many place there are full with rubbish...the shanty town make the megacities looked very untidy because of the bad looking scenery....
the last bad thing about the the megacities is there are many crime problem happen in megacities..for the example is the suicide case,bank robbing and many more...all of this happen because there are many people with different activities...some of them believe the crime are done by the poor people which live at the shanty town...they do it because they need more money to live in the modern and expensive only for certain people understanding or prediction...
megacities and its benefits.....
many people do know what are the good of the megacities...from my opinion megacities have give us many of that is megacities will introduce us to the latest technology....for the example a handphone...the latest design of handphone will released at the the people there will know the latest design and can use the latest phone before the people at the rural areas..that is the benefits of megacities...
other than that,megacities give us job that right?? the megacities we can have many choice about the job...all of us will choose the high paying salary to make sure we can live there without any costing problem...another example is the paying at the rural area always less than at the megacity...when someone work as a cashier at the rural area he will be paying about RM350.00 per month..but at the city a cashier will be pay about rm1000.00 per month..there are different between it...this also the benefit of living at megacity...
for the last megacity also have benefits behind the bad we have to make a smarter choice before make something..THINK BEFORE DOING!!

what means by megacities?
megacities is a metropolitan areas with a total population of more tahn 10 million people by the United Nations.The other definitions for the minimum level for population density in megacities is at least 2000 person/square km.It also can be a single or two city combined to form a big city( we have tokyo,dhaka,karachi,shanghai,mumbai and lagos as the megacities....
the bad thing about the megacities...
first is the traffic problem we know most of the city will experience the traffic jam..traffic jam almost cause by the bad habit of road user..the always think about themselve only..for the example the road user use the left side of the road to cross other car..they using the emergency side..emergency side can be used by the people which are facing any problem with their car or transport..

the last bad thing about the the megacities is there are many crime problem happen in megacities..for the example is the suicide case,bank robbing and many more...all of this happen because there are many people with different activities...some of them believe the crime are done by the poor people which live at the shanty town...they do it because they need more money to live in the modern and expensive only for certain people understanding or prediction...
megacities and its benefits.....
many people do know what are the good of the megacities...from my opinion megacities have give us many of that is megacities will introduce us to the latest technology....for the example a handphone...the latest design of handphone will released at the the people there will know the latest design and can use the latest phone before the people at the rural areas..that is the benefits of megacities...
other than that,megacities give us job that right?? the megacities we can have many choice about the job...all of us will choose the high paying salary to make sure we can live there without any costing problem...another example is the paying at the rural area always less than at the megacity...when someone work as a cashier at the rural area he will be paying about RM350.00 per month..but at the city a cashier will be pay about rm1000.00 per month..there are different between it...this also the benefit of living at megacity...
for the last megacity also have benefits behind the bad we have to make a smarter choice before make something..THINK BEFORE DOING!!
Thursday, October 8, 2009
indigenous people

Bruno manser well known as environment activities.He object the logging activities near the Penan area in Sarawak.Bruno manser is Switzerland citizen.He enter Malaysia unlegally. At 1983, Bruno manser was visited Terengganu and try to knw the malay custom. For the next year he join the expedition to explore Mulu Cave. There he was attracted with Penan costum. He was well-known in switzerland for his public octium for rainforest's preservation and protection of indigenous people.The famous supporting indigenous rainforest strible in Borneo that full with Penan people.
Sarawak goverment did't like Bruno manser and they had declered this swiss as 'enemy of the state number one' and send out special units looking for Bruno, but Bruno manser didn't give up and goverment developing the jungle of Sarawak.Goverment believe that Bruno manser was provoked Penan.
Bruno manser cannot stop the goverment from developing the jungle of Sarawak and defend the Penan from jungle change because Malaysia especially Sarawak have the goverment cut all trees. Bruno manser also didn't right to defend the Penan from change because they have their own lifestlye. It also defend from them to change their life and also their hardship. So they know either lifestyle and forget their original culture or not.
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